Healthcare communities on Sosido come in all shapes and sizes, from professional associations with thousands of members, to research networks with hundreds of members, to the focus of today's post: the small but mighty hospital/academic departments, some with just a few dozen members. How can Sosido support your academic department?
Here are 6 ways Sosido can bring value to your department:
Be the bearer of good news. Sosido automatically picks up every new publication by your department members and sends a congratulations email to the author within hours of the publication being released. Some of the feedback from Sosido members: “WOW! Impressive. You knew this was published before I did.” “You have done it again! We are thrilled to get this news from you tonight.”
Celebrate success. Sosido helps foster a culture of collegial support by recognizing and celebrating the work of your department’s members. Sosido kicks off the kudos with the automatic congratulations email and a featured spot at the top of the weekly Sosido email digests.
Spark collaboration. Water cooler chat with Sosido: “I saw your new paper on Sosido today - congratulations! You mention brachytherapy in the next phase. One of my grad students has some interesting data in that area – we should meet.”
Boost promotion. We all know that good researchers aren’t necessarily good self-promoters, so Sosido steps in to lend a hand. Sosido automatically tracks and posts members’ articles in your Sosido community, features them in the weekly Sosido digests to members and followers of your community, and provides easy links to spread the word on X/Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. (Studies show social media activity results in more article citations.)
Make reporting (a lot) easier. Is it a hassle to create your department’s academic output/bibliometric reports? Do you have to chase down your researchers to update their publication lists? Sosido makes it easy: we automatically track your department’s publications and send you a spreadsheet with the data you need for your reporting requirements. Some feedback from group leaders: "This is outstanding! I appreciate the updates Sosido offers - it makes my work so much easier!" "We LOVE it!!! This is work we were previously asking our Steering Committees to do, so this makes things so much easier on them!"
Give your research an online home. Sosido provides your department with a branded home page where you can showcase your productivity. For example, check out the work being done by the CHUM Radiation Oncology Department and the University of Toronto Division of Hematology.
If you’d like more information about Sosido for your hospital or academic department, contact us.
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