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How do I set my password and log in to Sosido?If you're receiving weekly email Sosido digests, then you're already a Sosido member! You just have to set your password: Step 1: Go to Step 2: Enter your email address. (Use the email address which your Sosido email digests are sent to - if you scroll down to the very bottom of your email digest, you'll see the email address on your Sosido account listed there.) Step 3: An email will be sent to your inbox. (Check your spam box too.) Click on the link in the email to set or reset your password. 💡 TIP: You can also log in to Sosido automatically by clicking on any link in your Sosido email digest or email notice of a new question or reply. Learn more about automatic log in.
What's the difference between being a "member" and a "follower" of a community on Sosido?As a member of a community on Sosido, you have full access to that community, including having your own publications automatically tracked and featured for the community, and access to the community's Q&A forum and member resources. As a follower of a community on Sosido, you have limited access to the community on Sosido. You will still (like community members) receive a weekly email digest with updates on the community's news and member publications as well as abstracts from your chosen journal feeds. But as a follower your own publications will not be tracked or featured for that community, and you will not have access to the community's Q&A forum or member resources. Check out other related questions on our FAQ, e.g.: How can I tell whether I'm currently a "member" or a "follower" of a community on Sosido? How do I become a "member" or a "follower" of a community on Sosido? I'm a member of one of the host groups on Sosido. Why am I not showing up as a "member" of their community on Sosido?
How can I tell whether I'm currently a "member" or a "follower" of a community on Sosido?To see a list of your current communities on Sosido, look at the shaded blue box at the top of your weekly Sosido email digests. For example, it may say: "Hello Dr. Fernandez, you are currently a member of the SIOP and C17 communities on Sosido, and a follower of CTTC." Or, log in to (hint: most users will be able to log in simply by clicking on a link in their Sosido email digest) > then click on 'Customize sources' > then click on 'My communities'. You'll see your communities listed at the top of that page, and you can change your communities there too. Not receiving Sosido weekly email digests? Sign up for a Sosido account.
How can I become a "member" or a "follower" of a community on Sosido?➡️ To become a MEMBER: The host group (association, research network, hospital department, etc) determines who is a member of their community on Sosido. For example, if the host group is an association, it may restrict membership in their Sosido community to current paid members of their association. If the host group is a hospital department, it may restrict membership in their Sosido community to current employees of their hospital department. The host group provides Sosido with intermittent updates on its membership list. If you were a member of that host group once, but are not on the host group's current membership list, Sosido will switch you from being a member of the Sosido community to a follower of the community. If you would like to become a member of a community on Sosido, please contact the host group. (Are you already a current member of a host group, but you're not showing up as a member of the community on Sosido? Read more on that.) ➡️ To become a FOLLOWER: Any healthcare professional with an account on Sosido can become a follower of a community on Sosido. If you already have an account on Sosido, log in to , click on 'Customize sources' (bottom right corner), then click on 'My communities'. If you don't have an account on Sosido, you can sign up for an account here. Check out other related questions on our FAQ, e.g.: What's the difference between being a "member" and a "follower" of a community on Sosido? How can I tell whether I'm currently a "member" or a "follower" of a community on Sosido? I'm a member of one of the host groups on Sosido. Why am I not showing up as a "member" of their community on Sosido?
I'm a current member of one of the host groups on Sosido. Why am I not showing up as a member of their community on Sosido?If you are a current (e.g. paid, renewed, currently employed, etc) member of one of the host groups on Sosido, but you're still showing up as a "follower" (not a member) of that community on Sosido, or you don't yet have an account on Sosido, it might be because you have recently joined or renewed your membership with the group, and the Sosido database has not yet been updated with the change. (Depending on the frequency that the group updates their member list on Sosido, there can be a delay of several weeks before the Sosido database is updated.) To get member access to Sosido more quickly: If you already have a Sosido account, you can contact us to request that you be switched from a follower to a member. We'll confirm your membership with the host group and we'll update your account within 7-10 days. If you don't yet have a Sosido account, you can sign up for a new Sosido account. We'll set up your new account within 7-10 days. Not sure if you're a current member of the host group? We encourage you to contact the host group to confirm.
How are my publications featured on Sosido?Sosido's technology automatically tracks and features all new publications authored by community members, starting on the date your Sosido account was set up. So in short - you don't have to do anything. (Please note that Sosido does not track the publications of community followers. Read more about the difference between members and followers.) When Sosido picks up one of your publications, we will send you an email notification letting you know that your publication is now posted on your Sosido profile, and will be featured in the next Sosido email digest for your community. If you do not want the publication featured for your community, please reply to the email - we will remove it right away. Related: One of my publications hasn't been featured on Sosido. Why is that?
One of my publications hasn't been featured on Sosido. Why is that?Sosido automatically tracks and features your new member publications, starting on the date your Sosido account was set up. If we've missed one of your publications, here are a few possible reasons why: You might not be a member of the community on Sosido. Sosido tracks and features the publications of community members, but does not track or feature the publications of community followers. Maybe your membership in the group recently lapsed? Learn how to tell if you're a member or a follower on Sosido and how to become a member on Sosido. The article might not be indexed on PubMed. Sosido's automatic scans pick up member publications as soon as they are indexed on PubMed. If your publication is brand new, it may not be indexed on PubMed yet. Usually publications are indexed on PubMed within 2-10 days of being posted on the journal's site. (If your publication is in a journal which isn't indexed by PubMed, contact us and we'll add your publication to Sosido manually.) The article might not be new. Sosido picks up articles that are newly-released and published after the date your Sosido account was set up. Did our scans miss an article that you'd like featured on Sosido? Contact us and we'll get it added. Please provide a link to your publication online.
How can I ask or answer a question on Sosido?Community members on Sosido can ask and answer clinical or research questions of their colleagues, in a discussion forum private to the members of their community only. (Please note that community followers do not have access to the community's Q&A forum. Read more about the difference beween members and followers on Sosido.) To ask a question: Log in to (💡If you click on a link in a Sosido email digest or notice of new question, you will be automatically logged in to your Sosido account.) Then click on 'Q&A', then click on 'Ask a new question' in the bottom right corner of your screen. An email notice of your question will be sent to all members of the community shortly after you have posted. Each time a member of your community replies to your question, an email notice will be sent to you. To answer a question: Click on the link to the question in the email notice or in the email digest. (💡If you click on a link in a Sosido email digest or notice of new question, you will be automatically logged in to your Sosido account.) Or, log in to with your email and password, then click on 'Q&A', then click on the question you would like to reply to. An email notice of your reply will be sent to the member who asked the question. A summary of new questions and answers in your community will be featured in the weekly email digest to your community's members. Related: How do I set my password and log in to Sosido?
I don't see discussions in the Q&A section when I log in to Sosido. Why not?If you don't see "Q&A" in the menu on the left column of your screen, then you are likely a follower, not a member, of that community on Sosido, so you do not have access to the community's Q&A forum. (What's a member vs. follower on Sosido? How can I tell if I'm a member or a follower?) If you see "Q&A" in the menu on the left column of your screen, but when you click on it, there are no questions listed, then it's likely there aren't any discussions posted in your community yet. Feel free to ask your colleagues a question!
How can I customize the content I see in my Sosido digest?You can customize your digest two ways: (1) You can change your journal/knowledge sources that show up in your digest under "New articles from your sources". (2) You can follow other communities on Sosido that interest you. You'll receive updates on all of your communities in one weekly email digest. (See more on the difference between members and followers on Sosido.) Here's how: > Log in to Sosido (TIP: most members will be able to log in automatically by clicking on a link in their email digest) > Go to Articles and click on "Customize sources" in the bottom right corner. (Or click on your picture in the top right corner, then click on "Customize sources".) > Select either "My journal sources" or "My communities", then go ahead and customize your digest!
NEW! Can I automatically log into Sosido when I click on a link in the email digests or email notices?Yes, we're excited to offer this as a new feature of Sosido as of June 2023! If your host group has chosen to enable the feature, then you will be able to automatically log in to Sosido when you click on any link from: a Sosido email digest a Sosido email notice of a new question or a new answer a Sosido email notice that your new publication has been posted on Sosido If this feature has been enabled for your communities, you'll see the following notice at the top of your Sosido emails: "NEW! Clicking on a link in this email will automatically log you in to your Sosido account. Forwarding this email will temporarily grant access to your account." IMPORTANT! If this feature is enabled for your communities, and you forward one of your email notices to someone else, they will have access to your Sosido account until the automatic login link expires 7 days after the email was sent. Note: All of your communities have to enable automatic login for the feature to apply to your account. So if you are in more than one community on Sosido, and one of those communities has decided not to enable the automatic login feature, then you will not be able to automatically login from the Sosido emails.
NEW! What's a Resource?Starting in June 2023, you'll notice a new section on Sosido called Resources. Resources are videos or other educational content provided by your community. Unlike articles and news (which are public), resources are private, available only to logged in members (not followers) of your community. (See more on the difference between members and followers on Sosido.) This is a new feature, so your Resources page might currently be empty. As soon as your community posts a resource, community members will see a summary in their digests and will be able to view it in the Resources section of
How do we update our group’s member list on Sosido? What data fields do you require?To update your group’s members on Sosido, please email an Excel or .csv spreadsheet (we recommend adding a password), or share a private Google Sheet, to Required fields are marked in bold with an asterisk (*). The other fields are helpful if you track the information. Email address (* Title (Dr.) First Name (Jane)* Middle Initial (B.) Last Name (Smith)* Credentials (MSc, MD) Job Title and/or Department (Hematologist, Pediatric Oncology) Institution/Centre (Alberta Children’s Hospital)* City (Edmonton)* Province/State (AB) Country (Canada)* Any additional data you can provide us re. the members' discipline, specialty, practice area or professional role is appreciated, and will help us to set up complete and accurate member profiles, and properly track members' publications. See related FAQ: When/how often should we update our group's member list on Sosido?
When/how often should we update our group’s member list on Sosido?We recommend sending membership updates to Sosido twice per year. The exact timing is up to you, but we’d suggest a schedule something like the one below. (This schedule assumes your group’s membership year ends December 31st; if you have a different membership year, please adjust accordingly.) > Update #1 at the end of your renewal period (e.g. May or June): Once your membership drive is over for the year and almost all renewals are in, send to Sosido a list of all current members (all members who have paid their dues for the current year, including new members and renewed members). At this time, we will compare your list to the members currently on Sosido, add any new members, and lapse (change from member to follower) any members who have not renewed. > Update #2 for late joins/renewals (e.g. October or November): Send to Sosido a list of only those members who have joined or renewed since the last update was sent at the close of your renewal period. If your group doesn’t have a set membership year (e.g., no membership dues or deadline for renewal) then you can send us your updates whenever it works for you. We still recommend updates a couple times per year, but that’s not a strict rule, and you can pick the timing. See related FAQ: What data fields does Sosido require for the member lists?
What’s the difference between a “member” and a “follower” of our community on Sosido?A member is a current, full member of your group. Members have full access to your group’s community on Sosido. Their publications will be automatically tracked and featured in your group’s email digest, and they will have access to your group’s private discussion forum and member resources on Sosido. Members are added to your group only at your request or with your permission. A follower is an individual on Sosido who is following the work of your group on Sosido, but is not a full/current member of your group. They may have been members of your group in the past (when they did not renew their membership with your group, they were changed from a member to a follower), or they may be members of other groups on Sosido who have chosen to follow the work of your group. Or they may be individuals who you have chosen to add to your community as followers (e.g. administrators, organization leaders, funders, or other affiliates/stakeholders who are interested in the work of your group, but are not members). Followers receive the weekly Sosido email digest with your group’s news and notices, member publications and articles from journal sources. Followers do not have their own publications tracked or featured in your group’s email digest, and they do not have access to your group’s discussion forum or to your member resources. See also related FAQ for Sosido members.
How can we have our group’s news and updates featured at the top of our Sosido email digests and in the News section of the site?Many of our groups feature their news and updates on Sosido. These are pulled automatically from your group’s blog, website or Facebook page, so when you post, the updates are automatically featured in the digests and now (new in 2023!) featured in a separate News section of the Sosido site. If you would like to add your group’s news and updates to your Sosido digest, please email us at Note: Starting from April 2023, Sosido is no longer able to pull your group's news items from Twitter because of a change to Twitter that restricts public access to their API. See the related FAQ: Our group’s news and updates are featured in the Sosido digests. What is the deadline for posting to make sure our posts are included in this week’s Sosido digest?
Our group’s news and updates are featured in the Sosido digests. What is the deadline for posting to make sure our posts are included in this week’s Sosido digest?Sosido email digests are sent out between Tuesday and Thursday each week. If your group’s news and updates are being pulled into Sosido and featured in the email digests (as described in the previous FAQ), you will need to post your content on your blog/website/Facebook page (wherever we are pulling the content from) no later than Tuesday 6:00 am Pacific Time (2:00 pm GMT) in order to have your content featured in this week’s digest. If you’re posting close to the deadline, and you want to be sure your news post makes it into this week’s digest, send us an email. We’ll make sure it’s included.
Can we change our group’s default and recommended journal feeds?Yes, as a group leader, you can change your group’s default and recommended journal feeds at any time. Default feeds: When your group first launched on Sosido, we worked with your group leaders to determine a few (4-5) default journal/knowledge feeds that all of your group members will receive in their Sosido email digests. You can remove or add default journal feeds at any time. If you’d like a list of the default feeds currently set for your group, or you’d like to change the default feeds, email us at Our goal is to provide your group's members with a useful, but not overwhelming, number of relevant new articles in their weekly Sosido digests. So we encourage you to select the most important journal sources as default feeds. Other journals/knowledge sources can be added as recommended feeds (see below). Recommended feeds: Recommended feeds are listed in your community's feed library (when you're logged in you can see your feed library at Your community members won't be subscribed to recommended feeds by default, but they can add them if they choose. Individual members can change their feeds to customize their digests to suit their own interests. They can remove default feeds and/or add other journal feeds available to them from the Sosido feed library. To change your group's default or recommended feeds, email us at
How does a member of our group get a password for Sosido?Sosido members can set or reset their password instantly online anytime: Step 1: Go to Step 2: Enter their email address. (Use the email address which their Sosido email digests are sent to.) Step 3: An email will be sent to their inbox. (Check the spam box too.) They will click on the link in the email to set or reset their password.
One of our group’s members is trying to set their password for Sosido, but the system isn’t recognizing their email address.This could be for a couple reasons: > Maybe we don’t have a Sosido account set up for them yet. Has the member recently joined your group? Feel free to forward us the member’s details – we’ll check and expedite the setup of their account. > Maybe their Sosido account is set up under a different email address. (They can check which email address their Sosido email digests are being sent to – that’s the email address they will have to use to reset their password.) We’re happy to help. Email us at
Do our group’s members have to set their password in order to receive the weekly Sosido email digests or have their publications featured?No. Even if they don’t set their password on Sosido, your members will still receive the weekly email digests, and their publications will still be tracked and featured for your group. If automatic login is enabled for your group, members will be able to login to Sosido simply by clicking on a link in their email digest or other Sosido email notices.
One of our group’s members has notified us that their publication was not featured in the Sosido email digest. Why is that?Sosido automatically picks up articles authored by your group’s members as soon as the article is indexed on PubMed. If Sosido misses a publication, it might be because: > The author is not a current member of your group on Sosido. (Perhaps they have not renewed, or they have recently renewed and Sosido’s member list has not yet been updated.) > The publication is not indexed on PubMed. If the journal that the article is published in usually indexes on PubMed, it might just be a few days too early (as soon as the article is indexed on PubMed, our automatic scans will pick it up). If the journal that the article is published in does not usually index its articles on PubMed, then our automatic scans will not pick up the article – we are happy to add those articles to Sosido manually. > There might be an error in Sosido’s search algorithm for that member. This is a rare occurence – we pride ourselves on our search algorithms! – but if it happens, we’ll fix it right away. Please forward us the inquiry with a link to the article online, and let us know whether the individual is a current member of your group. We’ll investigate, fix, and follow up with the member. See the related FAQ for members: One of my publications hasn't been featured on Sosido. Why is that?
Will Sosido provide us with reports and metrics on our members' publications?Sosido will automatically track and feature your members' publications, starting on the date their Sosido accounts are set up, and for as long as they remain a member (not follower) of your community on Sosido. (More information about how publications are tracked.) We'll provide your group leaders with a report summarizing your members' publications, including the article name, journal name, open access status, member author name, full author block, and a link to the article online. The report can be provided to your group regularly (monthly, quarterly or annually - your choice) or upon request.
How can our group’s members access the full text of articles they see on Sosido?Sosido provides the article title, authors, abstract and a link to access the full-text article on the journal site. However (unless the journal has published the article as “open access” or “free full text”) Sosido is prevented by the journal paywalls from posting the full text of articles. Here are a few ways that members can access the full text of an article: > First, check the journal site to see if the article is open access (the journal will label the article as “Open Access” or “Free Full Text”, and will provide the full text in HTML and/or downloadable PDF). > If they have an individual subscription to the journal, they can log in to the journal site with their subscription details. > They can request a copy of the article through their hospital/university library. > If the article is authored by a colleague/member of your group, they can request a copy of the article directly from the author. (Many journals allow authors to share their article directly with colleagues.) > Purchase the article through the journal site.
NEW! What is a Community Page?The Community Page is a new feature of Sosido, introduced in June 2023. This is a page dedicated to your group/community, branded with your logo, and featuring only the work of your group (think of it like to a Company Page on LinkedIn). Your community page can act as your own branded login/landing page to Sosido, so instead of sending your members to, you can instead direct them to your own community page on Sosido (for example, here's CTTC's community page: When members of your community are logged in to Sosido, they can view all of your community's content on your Community Page, including member publications, news, resources and Q&A. When visitors are not logged in, or if they aren't members of your community, they will see member publications and news only (not the Q&A and resources which are private to your community members only). The url format for your group's community page is Spaces and special characters are replaced with hyphens. For example These community pages are new and we're still adding functionality. For example, to start we will set your Company Page header to match your logo colours. Soon, we will provide you with the option to use an image for your header (like the banner on your LinkedIn company page). We'll keep you posted!
NEW! Can members automatically log in from the email digests?Yes, starting in June 2023, members can now log in to Sosido simply by clicking on a link in their Sosido email digests or email notices (email notice of new member publication, new question or new reply). Members will see the following notice highlighted at the top of each email from Sosido: "NEW! Clicking on a link in this email will automatically log you in to your Sosido account. Forwarding this email will temporarily grant access to your account." This feature opens the possibility that, if members forward their Sosido emails, non-members may be able to temporarily access your community's content. As such, we have made this feature optional, to be decided by each host group. By default, the feature will be turned on for your community (i.e. by default, your community's members will be able to log in automatically by clicking on a link in the Sosido emails.) If you would like to turn off the automatic login feature for your community, please contact us at any time. See the related question in the member FAQ: Can I automatically log into Sosido when I click on a link in the email digests or email notices?
We're happy to share some of the most common questions we hear from Sosido members and group leaders. Don't see the answer you're looking for? Please contact us. We'd be delighted to hear from you.

Do you have any questions?
Don't hesitate to email us at or send us a message. We'll get back to you shortly.
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